Semantic search

From Khyentse Lineage - A Tsadra Foundation Project
Printout selection
Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

An additional CSS class to set for the table

Display table headers vertically and results horizontally

The separator between results

Control display of namespace in printouts
Sort options
Add sorting condition
thugs chen dmar khrid skyer sgang lugs
thugs chen dmar khrid tshem bu lugs
thugs chen dmar khrid zla rgyal lugs
thugs chen rgyal po lugs
thugs dam zab pa skor bdun
thugs rje chen po 'jig rten dbang phyug lha dgu
thugs rje chen po 'khor ba dong sprug
thugs rje chen po bcu gcig zhal dpal mo lugs
thugs rje chen po bde gshegs kun 'dus
thugs rje chen po don gsal sgron me
thugs rje chen po ngan song rang grol
thugs rje chen po pad+ma rgyal po zhi khro rnam par rol pa
thugs rje chen po sems nyid ngal gso
thugs rje chen po spyan ras gzigs 'khor ba dong sprug
thugs rje chen po yang gsang bla med
thugs rje chen po yang snying 'dus pa
thugs rje chen po yi ge drug pa'i gsol 'debs
thugs rje chen po yid bzhin 'khor lo
thugs sgrub las tshogs bco brgyad pa
thugs sgrub yang snying kun 'dus
tshar lugs sgrol dkar
tshe dpag med dkar po mi tra dzo ki'i lugs
tshe dpag med dwangs ma bcud 'dren
tshe dpag med grub rgyal lugs
tshe dpag med rigs lnga 'chi med mchog sbyin
tshe g.yang 'gugs pa'i phrin las tshe bsod 'dod rgu'i dpal ster
tshe khrid 'chi med rdo rje'i srog shing
tshe sgrub bai ro'i thugs tig
tshe sgrub gsang ba rmad 'byung
tshe sgrub yang gsang 'chi med mchog grub
tshe sgrub yang gsang bla med
tshe sgrub ye shes snying po
tshe sgrub ye shes srog tig
tshe sgrub zab mo mda' 'phel ma
tshe'i dngos grub sgrub pa'i man ngag
yang dag zhi khro phur gsum
yang gsang bla ma'i sgrub pa thig le'i rgya can
yang phur sbrags ma'i zab tig
yang zab bde chen dpal mo'i thugs kyi me long
yang zab rtsa gsum snying po'i skor
yang zab thabs mchog dpa' bo'i zhal lung
yang zab thugs rje chen po rgyal ba rgya mtsho ye shes 'od kyi snying po
yon tan bdud rtsi'i mchog tig
yum bka' DA ki'i srog tig
yum bka' bde chen rgyal mo
zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa
zab bdun tshe dkar
zab chos rig 'dzin thugs thig
zab chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol
zab gsang pad+ma'i yang tig