From Khyentse Lineage - A Tsadra Foundation Project
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Wylie title thugs chen rgyal po lugs kyi brgyud 'debs dang nyams len JKW-KABUM-08-NYA-004.pdf
Location mkhyen brtse'i bka' 'bum
Volume 8, sde tshan 4, Pages 77-87 (Folios 1a to 5a2)
Author སྨིན་གླིང་ལོ་ཆེན་དྷརྨ་ཤྲཱི་
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Associated People སྲོང་བཙན་སྒམ་པོ་ (srong btsan sgam po)
Genre Contemplative Guide Books and Instructional Manuals - khrid yig  ·  Lineage Supplications - brgyud 'debs
Cycle ཐུགས་ཆེན་རྒྱལ་པོ་ལུགས་ (thugs chen rgyal po lugs)
Deity thugs rje chen po
RTZ In the Rinchen Terdzö: https://rtz.tsadra.org/index.php/Terdzo-ZHA-035; Terdzo-ZHA-037
DNZ In the Damngak Dzö: https://dnz.tsadra.org/index.php/thugs rje chen po rgyal po lugs kyi brgyud 'debs
Notes folio numbers on the pecha need to be revised, as the first two folios are both labeled "gcig".

3 Texts in this Section (sde tshan or chos tshan)


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