
From Khyentse Lineage - A Tsadra Foundation Project

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Jamgön Kongtrul passed away on the twenty-seventh day of the eleventh month of the earth-pig year of the fifteenth sexagenary cycle. Nesar Tashi Chöpel, who recorded the date, likely used the Tsurpu calendrical system, for which the Tibetan date would translate to December 29, 1899. The more commonly used Pukpa system had two eleventh months in the earth-pig year, leading scholars to give Kongtrul's death as falling either on December 29, 1899 (the first eleventh month), or January 28, 1900 (the second).  +
Birth year: 1729/1730.  +
Dates are taken from Mathes 2015, p. 1, nt. 2. Alternative dates are 1007-1085.  +
The dates for Nāropa here are from BDRC,!rid=P3085. However, other sources suggest earlier dates, with a date of birth of 956(?) and a date of death of 1040. Regarding the date of birth, see Newman, John. "The Epoch of the Kālacakra Tantra." Indo-Iranian Journal 41 (1998): 319-349.: 347, note 10.[1]. Regarding the date of death, see Wylie, T. "Dating the Death of Naropa." L. Hercus et al., eds. Indological and Buddhist Studies. Volume in Honour of Professor J.W. de Jong on his Sixtieth Birthday. Canberra, 1982.  +
Alternative dates are 1136-1204  +
The dates 1042–1136 derive from BDRC. Alternative dates of 1012–1088 are given in ''The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism'' (2014).  +