From Khyentse Lineage - A Tsadra Foundation Project
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See also [!rid=P0RK1001 BDRC Person: P0RK1001] +
Dates: Kongtrul records the birth year as a wood dog year, which would be 1634, while the more commonly given year of 1646 is a fire dog year. However, this latter date matches with Kongtrul's statement that he passed in a wood horse year in his 69th year, i.e. at the age of 68. +
Kongtrul gives seemingly contradictory dates for this figure, stating in his bio that he lived during the early years of Guru Chowang (c. early 13th cent.) and at the same time as Yonten Gonpo (c. 12th cent.). However, later in the chronology provided at the end of the Terton Gyatsa, he states that he lived during the 2nd rabjung, which conforms with the latter assessment. +
Son of Khri srong lde'u btsan +
He was the son of Byang bdag bkra shis stobs rgyal and the founder of the important Nyingma Monastery Dorje Drak, i.e. thub bstan rdo rje brag e waM lcog sgar. +
Generally speaking this can refer to, at least, two individuals: the early philosopher who founded the Madhyamaka school and a later mahāsiddha counted in Tibetan as one of the rig 'dzin brgyad. In terms of the RTZ, this figure generally refers to the later Nāgārjuna. +
Dates are based on Kongtrul's bio in the Terton Gyatsa. Alternative dates are 1450-1521. +
Son of Phrin las lhun grub and younger brother of Gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje +
Date is based on Kongtrul's statement that Sangs rgyas gling pa discovered a terma destined for byang chub gling pa, which lead to their meeting in person. +
The works of this figure included in the Rinchen Terdzod appear to be pure visions, thus he is recorded as an author rather than a terton. +
I have recorded Rigdzin Godem as a student, since he was entrusted with several of Zangpo Drakpa's treasures, including the famous gsol 'debs le'u bdun ma, which Godem decoded and spread widely. However, by some accounts these two may never have actually met as the treasure scrolls were merely given to him by intermediaries dispatched by Zangpo Drakpa. +
While BDRC puts him in the 15th Century, Kongtrul places him in the 5th rabjung, which would have him living during the late 13th to early 14th Century. +
Since the cycle related to this figure was received in a pure vision, I've recorded him as an author rather than as a terton. +
The dates given here taken from BDRC run counter to Kongtrul's assertion that he was born during the 1st rabjung, which would make the dates 1072-1150. However, these latter dates would make Drapa some twenty years the junior of his student Machik Labdron. +
Consort of Guru Chowang +
Son of nyi zla sangs rgyas +
There seems to be some issues with the dates for this figure. The current Khyungtrul, enthroned first by Dilgo Khyentse and then later by Penor Rinpoche, lives in Washington D.C. and is the son of the late Lama Ralo. So either there was a long gap between tulkus or the previous incarnation, pictured on this page, lived sometime in the early three quarters of the 20th century. Otherwise, it is likely that there are two different figures being conflated here. See [ Note 2 on this page]. +
Father of bsod nams lde'u btsan (the rebirth of bdud 'dul rdo rje) +
There are issues with the dating of this figures and the most common alternatives are 1452-1565 or 1512-1625. The earlier date conforms with Kongtrul's assertion that he lived in the 8th rabjung, but it also seems to make him older than mnga' ris paN chen pad+ma dbang rgyal, whom Kongtrul claims to have been Lekden's older brother. Furthermore, neither of the dates seem to work so well when compared to the dates of their father, ('jam dbyangs rin chen rgyal mtshan 1445-1558), whom would have been either 7 or 77 at the time of his birth. And though the latter is not entirely impossible, the recognition of his rebirth as ngag gi dbang po, the son of his disciple byang bdag bkra shis stobs rgyal, would be, since Jangdak would have passed away some two decades before Lekden, himself, passed away. +
Dates don't match with Kongtrul's assertion that he lived during the 7th rabjung +