JKW-KABUM-23- A-004-008-wylie: Difference between revisions

From Khyentse Lineage - A Tsadra Foundation Project
(Created page with "{{WyliePageHeader}} <div class="wylie-content" <onlyinclude> theg dgu'i smon lam rdo rje'i tshig rkang /__ theg pa rim dgu'i smon lam rdo rje'i tshig rkang bzhugs so/__/na...")
m (Text replacement - "<div class="wylie-content" " to "<div class="wylie-content"> ")
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<div class="wylie-content"
<div class="wylie-content">


Latest revision as of 09:54, 21 July 2021


theg dgu'i smon lam rdo rje'i tshig rkang /__ theg pa rim dgu'i smon lam rdo rje'i tshig rkang bzhugs so/__/na mo gu ru b+h+yaH__rgyal ba'i gdul bya'i rjes 'gro legs gsung chos/__/gong nas gong du bgrod byed theg pa'i tshul/__/dbang po'i rim pa dang mtshungs rnam pa dgu__/ma 'dres yongs rdzogs nyams len mthar phyin shog__/nyan thos theg pa'i bden bzhi'i blang dor thos/__/rang rgyal theg pa'i rten 'brel 'jug ldog bsam/__/byang sems theg pa'i bden gnyis dbyer med bsgom/__/kun 'byung 'dren pa'i theg pas rgyud sbyong shog__/kr-i ya'i theg pas mtha' bral lta ba rtogs/__/u b+ha'i theg pas phyi nang mnyam par bsgom/__/yo ga'i theg pas sangs rgyas mdzad pa spyod/__/dka' thub rig byed theg pas rgyud smin shog__/ma hA'i theg pas gzhi rgyud lha skur dag__/a nu'i theg pas lam rgyud bde stong rdzogs/__/a ti'i theg pas 'bras rgyud ye shes smin/__/dbang bsgyur thabs kyi theg pas rgyud grol shog__/mdor na nges 'byung byang sems gting nas 'byongs/__/lhag pa'i lha yi byin rlabs snying la zhugs/__/snang grags rig pa dkyil 'khor gsum gyi ngang /__/'gro kun phyams gcig sangs rgyas sar 'god shog__/ces pa'ang rmog ston gsang bdag chen po'i spyan sngar gzhon nu a b+hA yas rang lo bcu bzhi par rtsed mo'i tshul du bris pa/__dgyes pa'i gad mo dang bcas khyod kyi 'di la theg pa rim dgu'i smon lam rdo rje'i tshig rkang zhes gyis shig ces bka' stsal to/__/mang+ga laM//___//___!_