!__mkhyen dang brtse ba'i ye shes gter chen po'i/____/'jam dpal rdo rje zhi dang khro bo yi/____/bsnyen sgrub rtags thon rdo rje 'dzin par rje/____/chos kyi blo gros zhabs la gsol ba 'debs//____//
!__mkhyen dang brtse ba'i ye shes gter chen po'i/____/'jam dpal rdo rje zhi dang khro bo yi/____/bsnyen sgrub rtags thon rdo rje 'dzin par rje/____/chos kyi blo gros zhabs la gsol ba 'debs//____//
Welcome to the Khyentse Lineage Project, a Tsadra Foundation initiative designed to house the writings and revelations of the masters of the Khyentse lineage in a digital format that allows for open access to these materials in authoritative modern Tibetan editions for the sake of scholars, translators, and practitioners the world over.